Saturday, 24 December 2011

Sharing the big plan for the next 6 months

For the summer of 2012 my plan is getting the Hastings local dignataries into a tent surrounded by meditators and mediators.

To Brighton Network of Engaged Buddhists I have requested the following:
...That Brighton NEB group might support an event in the summer in HASTINGS in which I have the 5 key people in the town in a tent to talk about ethics:
1) The MP
2) The Leader of the Council
3) The Mayor
4) Chair of Pier Trust
5) CEO, Pier Trust


My aim is that after some discussion the MP, Head of Council and the Mayor, not to mention the pier trust leave with an intention to support all the aims of St Leonards Sharing Consortium; generating a more creative, caring & sharing town.
In particular, a town that knows that restorative justice can be regenerative for victims, offenders and communities in a way that no other policy can create greater safety (perceived and real).
Secondly, I'd like to learn if they see any reason why more eg a third of the local economy might switch from cash to the trading and banking of hours. One of my companies - Mediation Support Ltd- has started doing this with Sussex Police in order to deliver restorative justice in (informal) partnership, so what stops this approach from also raising all the payment in kind from the community for the terms of the Heritage Lottery Bid for the pier to be met?

I'm really looking forward to the summer of 2012; in particular the YouTube clips with Amber Rudd (MP -Consevative), Jeremy Birch (Leader of the Council -Labour), Kim Forward (Mayor until the Spring of 2012 -Labour), Simon Opie (CEO, Hastings Pier & White Rock Trust) & Ray Chapman, Chair of the Pier Trust.
The hope is they will all come out of the (Hastings 4) Happiness Tent of one mind; the mind of greater wisdom and compassion.
Will you support them going in that mysterious tent?
Will you be there to interview them too, or simply applaud their Community Spirit when they come out?
"If the King is Righteous His Subjects Will be Righteous"

1. Once the Lord addressing the Almsmen said:
2. "Bretheren during such time as kings are unrighteous their ministers and officers also become unrighteous. The ministers and officers, bretheren, being unrighteous, Brahmins and householders also become unrighteous. The Brahmins and householders, bretheren, being unrighteous, the town-folk and villagers become unrighteous.
3. "But whenever, bretheren, kings are righteous, then kings' ministers and officers also become righteous. Whenever Brahmins and householders become righteous, the town-folk and villagers also become righteous.
4. "When cattle are crossing, if the old bull swerves, they all go swerving, following his lead. So among men, if he who is reckoned chief walks crookedly, the others crooked go.
5. "Similarly, the whole realm suffers when the king goes wrong. When cattle are crossing, if the bull goes straight they all go straight because his course is straight. So among men, if he who's reckoned chief walks righteously, the others live aright. The whole realm lead happy lives when kings are good." 

An in-depth Buddhist talk on asking/challenging our local politicians about their values:

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