Death & Legacy

Below is a poignant leave-taking, Mark Boyle's "walk to India", before he became "The Moneyless Man".This was the 1st YouTube clip I made (it shows); still the most popular one to date (approximately 3,000 views and much positive feedback):

Mark Boyle, TED talk to an appreciative (smiling on cue) audience of 1,200 in Portugal, March 2011:
On 25th March 2011 I tweeted as follows:
The Moneyless Man didn't make it but I have his ticket. Lend-It-All-Man is here; is lend-it-all woman? #ukaware @gifteconomics @freelender
I'll let Mark off this time! Only because he was at TEDxOPorto:

On the relationship with India, nourished by living in a team-based right livelihood focussed on this work:

Some wry humour arising from the most difficult job for me:

On death & the important books:

What I leave:

At the 2010 Social Innovation Camp, (called Jailbrake) SafeGround won first prize:
Re-living a weekend of intensity and success of the safeground team, captured on film:

Jailbrake 2010 from The People Speak on Vimeo.

Dominic's work is widely recognised and now summarised well in pages 42-45 of the 'Radical Efficiency' report by NESTA, "the UK's foremost independent expert on ...innovation"; innovation which addresses social needs en route to the 'Big Society' of which the PM et al dream.
On the 4th August 2010, I recorded 7 'chunks' of interview with Dominic, which are available via the YouTube website; this being interview chunk No 4:

And, almost finally, words from Jayaraja, the man who led me to much deeper meaning and connection with the three jewels:

I know no better words to leave you with than the leaving words of "he who [was] so kind"; the Buddha Shakyamuni:
"With mindfulness, strive on"