Every breath I take
Every cake I bake
Is full of love for you.
Likewise, every website I've generated does one of these things:
- helps me (& possibly) you look after gratitude, awareness and/or purpose eg1 the "What kind of water are you?" blog
eg2 "Ending Harm, Seeking Repair"
- helps address conflict ('internal' & 'external') eg www.apologyplus.org.uk & the "Apology News" blog
- is a way to give what I can: eg www.lend-it-all-man.wordpress.com eg2 www.freelender.org eg3 www.freelenders.blogspot.com
- is a shop-window for how I earn my living eg www.restorativetechnology.blogspot.com
In the words of the founder of the Triratna Buddhist Community: "Give what you can and take [only] what you need to live a simple life".